The Member of Parliament (part 3 of 3)
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From: Gilbert Murray
To: James Bell
Subject: I don’t understand
Sent: Fri, 06 Aug 2023 09:31:57
Dear Mr Bell,
I’m sorry, my dear chap, but you have confused me. I don’t understand.
Why do I suddenly have to pay a fee of £2,700? I didn’t have to pay this before I travelled to Amsterdam the other week, so why do I have to pay it now?
And who is this Tina Sama?
Good news regarding “Philip Moore”, by the way. According to Major General Tufty Bufton, the SIS have obtained Moore’s mobile telephone records and have been able to use these to track his movements over the past few weeks. Apparently, when a mobile telephone is switched on, the mobile telephone company can track your movements by seeing which of their antennae you are closest to. The information is apparently accurate to within about a hundred yards.
The SIS have used Moore’s mobile telephone records to build up a detailed record of his movements. Major General Bufton tells me that they now know not only the location of Moore’s workplace, but which street he lives on too. He assures me that it will now only take a little simple surveillance to identify Moore, and then they will be ready to move in and take him out. They will probably burst into his home in the early hours of the morning and shoot him while he’s sleeping. That’s their usual technique. They’re very skilled: the neighbours won’t hear a thing.
Major General Bufton tells me that the decision has been taken to shoot Moore rather than to arrest him. It is simpler than arresting him, taking him into custody and taking him to trial, and avoids any adverse publicity which could affect my image. It is also cheaper.
So don’t worry, Mr Bell. That lying, cheating scumbag who tried to defraud us of our hard-earned cash is soon going to be lying on a slab in the morgue with a single bullet wound in the back of his head. And not before time.
Get back to me and explain about this fee you’re talking about. I probably won’t be able to do anything before Monday now, but I’m sure we’ll get things sorted out next week.
Best regards,
Gilbert Murray MP
From: James Bell
To: Gilbert Murray
Subject: THIS IS WHY
Sent: Fri, 06 Aug 2023 17:23:49 +0100
Attn: Gilbert Murray,
This is a re-confirmation of trust based on CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP through a confirming document indicating the approval by the security firm to the beneficiary, as a result of the shipment/relocation of the consignment (FUND) to the base indicated by the beneficiary for a final handover of the consignment.
The document, CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP, will grant the approval of this consignment to be given to the BENEFICIARY on presentation of the documents (CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP) at the stated date by which this consignment will be collected by the OWNER (GILBERT MURRAY).
The above message has at least told you why you should have to get this document before you embark on this journey to Dublin.
The Tina Sama you are asking of is my secretary, so do not bother about that. You are free to make the transfer with her name. Everything is under control.
Do not forget to make the transfer at least first thing Monday morning. Well, I will have to inform the top officials that will serve as a witness to this signatory document while I will be there to sign on you behalf as my client.
Take care and enjoy your weekend. I wish you a well-spent weekend. I will reach you again on Monday.
Sincerely yours,
Barrister James L Bell
From: Gilbert Murray
To: James Bell
Subject: I still don’t understand
Sent: Sun, 08 Aug 2023 18:54:26
Dear Mr Bell,
Thank you for your email and for your attempt to EXPLAIN why this change of ownership document is REQUIRED all of a sudden, when it was NOT required before.
I am sorry, but I still don’t understand why I now need to pay a fee in order to obtain this document, when the other WEEK you got me to GO ALL THE WAY to Amsterdam to collect the consignment, and there was no need for the document then.
I simply do not understand what has changed that means that I now need this document. Please EXPLAIN.
I am pleased to be able to tell you that I enjoyed an excellent weekend with Janet Alia. Despite the hot weather, we managed to complete all of the work in her garden that we intended to.
We also managed to do an extra bit of landscaping. Miss Alia had a large bank of earth at the back of her house that she wanted to level in order to create a patio area. She had obtained a large box in which to put the dirt, and when I had finished filling her hole I set about filling her dirtbox. I am pleased to say that she now has a nice level surface on which to lay patio slabs.
Get back to me about the change of ownership document as soon as you can, my friend.
Best regards,
Gilbert Murray MP
From: James Bell
To: Gilbert Murray
Sent: Mon, 09 Aug 2023 12:32:45 +0100
Attn: Gilbert Murray,
Nice weekend, I am very grateful to hear about your well-spent weekend.
It is high time you understood this sudden change of development about this CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP DOCUMENT. As I told you in my last mail, this CERTIFICATE came up as a result of the movement of this consignment from Holland and now in Dublin. The record has to be updated from the BENEFICIARY through the CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP CERTIFICATE to re-confirm your BENEFICIARY approval.
All you needed before was the CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT, which was sent to the security firm in Holland, but due to the stocktaking by the security firm officials, the re-confirmation has to be re-made to approve that the CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT sent to the firm was on your behalf. Now all they need is the CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP to approve it.
A copy of this CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP has to be given to you, then one (1) to the security firm to keep as evidence. Please, I will rather tell you to save time over this arrangement, so that everything will be concluded very soon. Let my discussion with the security firm be on the tender of the DOCUMENT they require to HAND OVER THE FUND TO YOU with immediate effect.
I am on my PC, act very fast about this.
Sincerely yours,
Barrister James L Bell
From: Gilbert Murray
To: James Bell
Subject: I’m still not sure that I understand
Sent: Mon, 09 Aug 2023 13:26:47
Dear Mr Bell,
Let me get this straight. According to your EMAIL, I now need a change of ownership DOCUMENT simply because the security COMPANY moved my fund from Holland to Ireland, and for no other REASON. Is that RIGHT?
Best regards,
Gilbert Murray MP
From: James Bell
To: Gilbert Murray
Subject: YES
Sent: Mon, 09 Aug 2023 14:21:45 +0100
Attn: Gilbert,
You have to get this clear and straight. This is a re-confirmation of details with the approval of the initial document sent to the security firm, because of the stocktaking to identify your fund legally.
So in that case, you have to present the change of ownership. Simple and short. This is to authenticate your claims with the indicated affiliated security firm located in Ireland.
Please do this fast, we have no time to waste. You have to make sure that you conclude this transaction before this week runs out.
Still on my PC, waiting to get the payment information of the WESTERN UNION MONEY TRANSFER.
From: Gilbert Murray
To: James Bell
Subject: Let’s get this straight
Sent: Mon, 09 Aug 2023 14:29:36
Dear Mr Bell,
So the only reason I need this change of ownership document is because the security firm moved the consignment from Holland to Ireland, and as a result of the security company’s stocktaking in Dublin, they are no longer able to confirm that I am the legal owner of the consignment?
Is that it?
Best regards,
Gilbert Murray MP
From: James Bell
To: Gilbert Murray
Subject: YES
Sent: Mon, 09 Aug 2023 14:39:52 +0100
Attn: Gilbert,
My yes to this question goes with reason. I will not let you do this if it is not legal and within the procedures of the security firm. The approval to this has to be carried out before anything could be done.
Yes, the security firm needs this for confirmations.
From: James Bell
To: Gilbert Murray
Sent: Mon, 09 Aug 2023 14:46:59 +0100
Dear Brother,
I am waiting to have the information for the Western Union. Please try to make the transfer now, before the bank closes.
From: Gilbert Murray
To: James Bell
Subject: If that is the case, then why should I pay this additional fee?
Sent: Mon, 09 Aug 2023 15:00:42
Dear Mr Bell,
If what you say is true, that the need for this change of ownership document only came about as a result of the consignment being moved from Holland back to Ireland, then why on earth should I have to pay this additional fee?
It was YOUR idea to move the consignment back to Dublin, not mine. At no stage did I tell you to do this. I was quite happy for the consignment to stay in Holland: I am sure there would have been some way we could have got hold of it, once that bumbling criminal Moore was out of the way.
As it was YOUR idea to move the consignment back to Dublin, not mine, surely you should pay this additional fee? Why should I pay for your mistakes? No doubt I will have a shedload of other fees to pay when I actually get to Dublin, so why should you expect me to pay this as well?
And anyway, if all this confusion has been caused by the security company’s stocktaking, surely THEY should pay this fee? It’s not our fault that they can’t confirm who the consignment belongs to because they’ve lost some important documents.
You told me on the 2nd of August that you would ask the security company in Dublin to transfer this money directly into my bank account. What has changed since then?
I am sorry Mr Bell, but you have laid layer upon layer of confusion on top of this once simple transaction, and now I simply don’t understand what is required of me.
Kindly respond to this email by return, explaining PLAINLY AND SIMPLY precisely what fees I will have to pay to obtain this consignment, and how we should go about doing this.
Best regards,
Gilbert Murray MP
From: James Bell
To: Gilbert Murray
Sent: Mon, 09 Aug 2023 15:46:51 +0100
Dear Brother,
This is no time for us to blame anybody, but to find a solution to this mistake, and that is the CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP CERTIFICATE. This can’t be a hitch to this transaction which I believe that you are much capable to handle this. This is the request of the security firm, not me, so you should comply with them.
The security firm must see the BENEFICIARY before this fund will be transferred through the banking system, so that is why I feel it is not that necessary, hence you will be going there to have this fund paid in cash.
Well, I must tell you of this magnificent development now, that the security firm after confirming this document will be sending their representative to deliver this consignment in London.
I believe that God is really working for you. Do not hesitate anymore about this, let us just take it to be a mistake, but by the rules that the security firm which is very legal, that you must obey. If by what you are saying, I know you are right, but you can’t turn up this request of the security firm.
I just got this mail sent by the security firm now, so is not ideal to waste any further time about this development.
NOTE: endeavour to make this payment, there is no time for us to waste.
From: Gilbert Murray
To: James Bell
Subject: But why do I have to pay for your mistakes?
Sent: Mon, 09 Aug 2023 16:09:51
Dear Mr Bell,
It is all very well for you to tell me to accept this mistake and move on. But it is not you that is having to pay £2,700 for the mistake, Mr Bell; it is me.
Since when did it become socially acceptable to expect others to pay for one’s own mistakes, Mr Bell? I made the huge mistake many years ago of marrying Mrs Murray, yet do I ask you to pay for this mistake of mine? Indeed I do not, Mr Bell. I made the mistake, and it is me that is paying for it... on a daily basis. She makes sure of that.
I agree with you, Mr Bell, that this is no time for us to apportion blame. However, surely you can see that the decent and honourable thing for you to do would be to accept the consequences of your mistake by paying for this change of ownership document yourself?
Besides, Mr Bell, you are a lawyer. Surely you can sort out the change of ownership document yourself in no time at all? As we are working together as business partners, it is not the done thing to charge me for something that you could probably do in your sleep. Were I am plumber and your drains needed unblocking, do you think I would charge you, my business partner, for unblocking your drains? Of course I would not; I would insert my long rod into your manhole free of charge, Mr Bell.
So, let us forget about this ridiculous £2,700 fee. We are only having to pay this because of your mistakes, but as you are a lawyer, you should be able to sort it out without any problems.
Now then, do as I asked in my last email and get back to me with a list of exactly what I will have to pay to the security company once you have sorted out this change of ownership nonsense.
Best regards,
Gilbert Murray MP
From: James Bell
To: Gilbert Murray
Sent: Mon, 09 Aug 2023 16:50:05 +0100
Dear Brother,
This is not something I can do, because it will be done in the law court and this will require the signature of the Magistrate and other top officials to authenticate this document.
Definitely, I will be signing on your behalf and it is something any other lawyer will charge for. So in that case my brother, your co-operation is highly needed for this.
Please, I will give you the email address of the approved representative so that you will reach him for this on how he will help you for the delivering of the consignment in London. Just go ahead and make this transfer, then keep records of all your expenses. I will pay you back as soon as this fund comes to London, before we reimbursement.
Before then my brother, let us settle this once and for all.
Still waiting, my brother.
From: Gilbert Murray
To: James Bell
Subject: Reason with me, brother
Sent: Tue, 10 Aug 2023 09:39:42
Dear Mr Bell,
Reason with me. You address me as “brother” in your emails. What brother do you know that would ask his sibling to pay £2,700 for a mistake that was not of his own making? This is not the way in which true brothers behave.
You say that this is “something any other lawyer will charge for”. I am sure you are right. But it is not something that a decent brother would charge his sibling for.
Besides, you will be taking 60% of the consignment at the end of all this, leaving me with a mere 35%. Is it right that I should have to pay all of the expenses upfront? Especially when they only come about as a result of your poor judgement, as in this case?
Now then, Mr Bell, as a lawyer you obviously have an acutely fine eye for detail. I would ask you to put this to good use and read my last two emails again, actually taking notice of what I said in them this time. You will see that I have asked you on two occasions now for a detailed breakdown of exactly what fees I will have to pay once you have sorted out this change of ownership document. I need this information so that I can prepare my finances.
I look forward to receiving this detailed breakdown by return, along with your assurance that you will accept the consequences of your own actions and sort out the change of ownership document, and the associated costs, yourself. Brother.
Best regards,
Gilbert Murray MP
PS. I must give you advance notice that I will be unavailable for the entire day tomorrow. I have been invited to take part in a Conservative Party committee that is meeting up to discuss the approach we should take to the government’s latest proposals on dealing with internet fraud. Given my recent experience with the notorious Mr Moore, Ivan Tashag, the Chairman of the committee, thought that I might be able to give the other members a valuable insight into the subject.
From: James Bell
To: Gilbert Murray
Sent: Tue, 10 Aug 2023 10:35:34 +0100
Dear Brother,
The issue of this CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP DOCUMENT CERTIFICATE has to be sorted out. I do not have any money at hand to pay for this, but I will go to loan some money from my friend.
I know that you have really tried to make sure that all is well with this transaction. Let us not make a mount from a little hill, I don’t think that we need this now.
Concerning that percentage you are talking about, well I have agreed to let you have 40% of the total sum apart from your expenses incurred in the process.
While I go to look for the money, send a mail to the representative that will help you to bring this consignment to London, so that you will have to discuss with him on the arrangement to meet each other. The enquiry I made from the company this morning about the demurrage and the handling charges is showing 43,000 Euros and it will be COD, that is CASH ON DELIVERY.
His name is TOM DAVIS. His email is
Contact him immediately and get back to me.
He is a diplomat to the UNITED NATIONS, attached with the security firm, so he will definitely render his best service to you.
While I go for the CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP CERTIFICATE, please do contact him and send his response back to me. I think God is really working on your behalf.
Sincerely yours,
From: Gilbert Murray
To: James Bell
Subject: 43,000 EUROS?
Sent: Tue, 10 Aug 2023 11:31:57
Dear Mr Bell,
43,000 EUROS? How the blazes have the fees suddenly increased to 43,000 Euros?
When I was due to collect the consignment in Amsterdam the other week the charges only came to 35,000 Euros. I thought that charge was absurd even then. What possible reason can there be for the charges to have increased by 8,000 Euros in a mere two weeks? Does this security company levy its charges using an exponential scale?
There is no way on this earth I can pay 43,000 Euros to this security company. I found it extremely difficult to scrape together the 35,000 Euros I needed the other week. I simply cannot afford to pay any more than this; I have already had to empty my wife’s savings account (without her knowledge, I might add) to come up with the 35,000 Euro fee. I simply cannot come up with any more money, Mr Bell. My coffers are bare.
Where do we go from here?
Best regards,
Gilbert Murray MP
PS. I am pleased to see that you are sorting out the change of ownership document yourself. I have to say, I was surprised to hear that you were going to have to borrow the £2,700 you need in order to obtain the document. I have never heard of a lawyer being short of money. Perhaps you are not a very good lawyer?
From: Gilbert Murray
To: Tom Davis
Subject: Arrangements for transporting my consignment over to the UK
Sent: Tue, 10 Aug 2023 13:59:26
Dear Mr Davis,
I have been given your contact details by a business associate of mine, Barrister James Bell. He tells me you work for the security company that is currently holding a consignment of mine in Dublin.
Mr Bell has asked me to contact you and make arrangements for you to transport my consignment over to the UK.
Would one day next week be suitable for you? I presume that you will transporting the consignment by bullion van. Please confirm.
Incidentally, Mr Bell tells me that as well as working for this security company, you are also a United Nations diplomat. How absolutely fascinating. Tell me, Mr Davis, which global conflicts have you been responsible for solving?
Best regards,
Gilbert Murray MP
From: James Bell
To: Gilbert Murray
Sent: Tue, 10 Aug 2023 18:55:52 +0100
Dear Brother,
Well I have been working all the through for to procure this document. God has always been on our side. I have just DHL’ed it to the security firm to sign and document it, so let us just hope that it comes back tomorrow, so that you will have a copy of it.
Did you contact the representative as I told you, though the mail I got from the security firm this afternoon says that Mr Tom Davis is on delivery of some consignment in London here, that we can reach him with this telephone number. So please you should act very fast to see if you can reach him on the phone, to fix arrangements with him based on the delivery of this consignment to your home in London.
Call him on 0044 7787910145.
About the increment of the fees, well you should be able to know about this. I told you that the movement of this consignment from Holland to Dublin, the expenses has to be added, and the demurrage was as well recalculated which definitely comes to this amount now. They don’t have to incur for all these expenses of your fund, so do understand the reason for this increment.
Please, I will want you to sort out things with Mr Tom Davis, so that you will know when he will come to deliver this consignment.
Sincerely yours,
From: Gilbert Murray
To: James Bell
Subject: This is too much money
Sent: Tue, 10 Aug 2023 21:49:56
Dear Mr Bell,
Thank you for your email. I am pleased to hear that you have managed to sort out the change of ownership document. I knew you would be able to.
Now then, I repeat that this 43,000 Euros is completely out of my reach. I had to stretch myself beyond the limit to get hold of the 35,000 Euros, and I simply cannot get hold of any more.
Regarding this Mr Davis, I contacted him earlier today, but the cove has not seen fit to get back to me. I hope he will have the decency to get back to me tomorrow.
Let me have a copy of this change of ownership document first thing tomorrow, Mr Bell. I will not move forward until I know for certain that this has been sorted out.
Best regards,
Gilbert Murray MP
From: Tom Davis
To: Gilbert Murray
Subject: Re: Arrangements for transporting my consignment over to the UK
Sent: Wed, 11 Aug 2023 09:03:51 +0100 (BST)
From: Gilbert Murray
To: James Bell
Subject: I have heard from Mr Davis
Sent: Wed, 11 Aug 2023 17:12:52
Dear Mr Bell,
A quick email to inform you that I have heard from Tom Davis. He is demanding 43,000 Euros from me in cash before he will deliver my consignment.
Please refer to the last two emails I sent to you, in which I informed you that I will be unable to pay any more than the 35,000 Euros I raised for my trip to Holland. Where do we go from here?
Have you managed to obtain the change of ownership document yet? Please let me know. I must see a copy of this document before I will move forward: after my farcical trip to Amsterdam, I want to ensure that absolutely nothing can go wrong this time.
I will not respond to Mr Davis until I have heard from you.
Best regards,
Gilbert Murray MP
From: James Bell
To: Gilbert Murray
Sent: Wed, 11 Aug 2023 17:53:37 +0100
Dear Brother,
The confirmation came very late in the afternoon, so all have been concluded. You will find the CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT and the CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP in the attachment. Print them out, there will be a verification on the time of delivery.
The diplomat will be coming with all these documents, so to find if you are the real person, you are supposed to have the copies of them.
We have to thank God for the authorisation of this document, CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP. This fund has legally become yours and no intruder of any kind has the right to question or interfere in it.
Please, from all indication you can see that we have no time to waste, all you have to do now is to contact Mr Tom Davis and reach agreement with him based on the delivery of this consignment. Call him on the phone so that he will know how urgent this is and then attend to you.
Please try all you could to come up with the charges, so as to avoid complicating matters. All expenses shall be taken care of afterwards. Try and make sure that at least before Saturday all have come to a beautiful end, then champagne will be our wine for celebrations.
Sincerely yours,
 (Click to enlarge)
 (Click to enlarge)
From: Gilbert Murray
To: James Bell
Subject: I can only raise 35,000 Euros
Sent: Thu, 12 Aug 2023 09:55:27
Dear Mr Bell,
Thank you for sending me the certificate of deposit and the change of ownership document. Very nice they are too. They must have taken you quite some time.
I mean, of course, that it must have taken you quite some time to work your way through all of the legal steps that were required in order to obtain these certificates.
I am delighted to see that we are very nearly at the conclusion of this transaction. However, one problem remains. As I have stated a number of times, I cannot raise 43,000 Euros. I struggled to raise the 35,000 Euros that I needed for my wasted trip to Amsterdam. In order to do this, I had to empty my own savings account, Elizabeth’s savings account (without her knowledge), and borrow some money from a loan shark. The 35,000 Euros is still available, but there is absolutely no way I can raise the additional 8,000 Euros. If you knew the true state of my finances, Mr Bell, you would understand this.
If I give the security company 35,000 Euros, is there any way you could raise the additional 8,000 Euros we need, Mr Bell? If not, I do not see that there is any way we will be able to claim this consignment.
Of course, the other option would be for you to negotiate with the security company and ask them to reduce their fees.
Please advise.
Gilbert Murray MP
From: James Bell
To: Gilbert Murray
Sent: Thu, 12 Aug 2023 10:33:54 +0100
Dear Brother,
Good morning. So as you can see, you are not to be told what I went through to come out from these documents needed by the firm to authenticate your claims as the beneficiary. I must tell you it was a tough one.
8,000 Euros can’t put all we have suffered to a dust within a twinkle of an eye, is a big liar. Well never to worry, I have pleaded with the company to just give us 4 days after the consignment is delivered that you will balance them, but they refused that. In that case something must come as collateral to prove this. They insist that I must put my house as stake as collateral, so I have forwarded the particulars of my house to them.
So all you have to do now is to save time and money as well, because the security company will continue to count the demurrage. Call Mr Tom Davis and urgently fix when he will be bringing this consignment. Send him an email and call him immediately to enable him to attend to you.
Please, we do not have any time to waste. Do not hesitate. Act fast about this.
Pressurise him to do something. This is when we need his service most.
Sincerely yours,
From: Gilbert Murray
To: James Bell
Subject: You are truly a saint, my friend
Sent: Thu, 12 Aug 2023 10:51:49
Dear Mr Bell,
Thank you for your email. I cannot believe that the security company forced you to put your house up as collateral to ensure that we paid them the additional 8,000 Euros once we had received the consignment. What avaricious, grasping people these are.
You are truly a saint, my friend, for agreeing to risk your house for the sake of this transaction. I sincerely thank you.
You can trust me now to do all that is in my power to bring this transaction to a speedy conclusion. I will contact Mr Davis immediately and make arrangements for the transportation of the consignment.
Best regards,
Gilbert Murray MP
From: Gilbert Murray
To: Tom Davis
Subject: Arrangements for transporting my consignment over to the UK
Sent: Thu, 12 Aug 2023 11:03:51
Dear Mr Davis,
I am writing to finalise the arrangements for the transportation of my consignment to the UK. According to my business partner, Mr Bell, you will require a cash payment of 35,000 Euros upon delivery of the consignment, with a further payment of 8,000 Euros to follow within four days. This is no problem.
I hear that you forced Mr Bell to put up his house as collateral in this agreement. Shame on you, Mr Davis. This is not the way in which I would expect a United Nations diplomat to behave.
Tell me, by the way, what on earth is a UN diplomat doing working for a security company in his spare time? Is Kofi Annan happy about you moonlighting in this way?
Please get back to me with details of how you are intending to deliver my consignment to me. I presume you will be shipping the consignment over in a secure bullion van, with associated security? Please advise.
Best regards,
Gilbert Murray MP
PS. What is your view of the current situation in Iraq? Do you think the UN should take a more active role in peacekeeping over there, or are you of the opinion that George Bush should clean up his own mess?
From: James Bell
To: Gilbert Murray
Sent: Thu, 12 Aug 2023 11:35:21 +0100
Dear Brother,
I must also congratulate you for how much effort you have put in, but mine is just to show you the reality of this transaction. You are too magnificent in doing things, and I know you will not allow this to waste more time, hence you know what is at stake.
Please do call him now and fix a date with him, probably by tomorrow evening, OUR CHAMPAGNE IS UP FOR CELEBRATIONS.
Take care, for God is in control.
Sincerely yours,
From: Gilbert Murray
To: Tom Davis; Cc: James Bell
Subject: Please respond immediately
Sent: Thu, 12 Aug 2023 14:02:14
Dear Mr Davis,
I am disappointed that you have not yet responded to the email I sent you this morning regarding the transportation of my consignment to the UK.
Perhaps you have been spending this morning on United Nations business rather than on security company business. Perhaps you have been on the telephone to Kofi Annan, trying to thrash out a solution to the terrible situation in Sudan?
Whatever the excuse, time is pressing, and delays on your part are completely unacceptable.
Please respond immediately with details of how you intend to get my consignment to me.
Gilbert Murray MP
From: Gilbert Murray
To: James Bell
Subject: I’ve not heard a word from this Davis character
Sent: Thu, 12 Aug 2023 17:09:25
Dear Mr Bell,
I’m disappointed to say that I haven’t heard a word from this Davis character. That’s what comes from trying to hold down two jobs at the same time, if you ask me. Spread yourself too much and you’re no use to anyone. That’s what I always tell Janet Alia.
I’ll bet holding down two jobs means that this Davis chap isn’t giving his best to the United Nations either. No wonder there are so many conflicts around the world, if UN diplomats take on second jobs as a matter of routine. At least that nice Mr Annan doesn’t moonlight in this way. Imagine the mess we would all be in if he spent half his time delivering pizzas or working in a bar.
Is there any chance you could have a word with Davis and ask the man to shift his lazy backside and attend to business? Tell him my reputation is on the line here, not to mention your house, and that his inaction isn’t helping matters. I can’t stand laziness.
It is Miss Alia’s birthday this weekend. I am going to surprise her tonight by taking her to the theatre to take in a show. She does not know it yet, but rather than book us ordinary seats in the stalls, I have booked us a private box in her name. I have also booked us a private box for another show in the same theatre on Saturday night, again without her knowledge. I am very much looking forward to entering her box tonight, and I hope that I will be able to persuade her to come twice: once tonight and once on Saturday.
Do what you can to get this Davis chap moving, there’s a good fellow.
Best regards,
Gilbert Murray MP
From: Tom Davis
To: Gilbert Murray
Subject: Re: Please respond immediately
Sent: Thu, 12 Aug 2023 19:10:13 +0100 (BST)
From: Gilbert Murray
To: Tom Davis; Cc: James Bell
Subject: Four things
Sent: Thu, 12 Aug 2023 22:07:31
Mr Davis,
Four things.
- My name is “Gilbert”, not “Gillbert”. Regardless of this, you may address me as “Mr Murray”. Stop being over-familiar and address me with the respect appropriate to someone in my position.
- I am not “scared of phone bills”. I am a Member of Parliament. As such, both my home and office telephones are bugged as a matter of routine for reasons of national security. This is why I do not use the telephone, but prefer to use the more secure medium of email.
- You are supposed to be a United Nations diplomat, yet you write with the manners and finesse of an ill-educated oik. How is this so? Has the UN recently lowered its entrance requirements for diplomats?
Respond to my questions and let us move forward. Do not try my patience any further.
Gilbert Murray MP
From: James Bell
To: Gilbert Murray
Sent: Fri, 13 Aug 2023 09:24:13 +0100
Dear Brother,
I really appreciate your courage and eagerness to conclude this transaction.
As a matter of fact, I will like you to follow up this transaction with a relaxed and cool mind and mind how you talk to Tom Davis.
All you need to do now is to send a mail to him with your house address on how he will meet you. Call him now and tell him when to meet you at home so that both of you will sort things out. All you need to do is to give him the money for him to proceed to Dublin.
As you know very well, he is a very busy person and maybe by the time you sent him a mail he was not in the position to attend to you.
Please try to reach him now to sort things out.
Sincerely yours,
From: Gilbert Murray
To: James Bell
Subject: I am confused now
Sent: Fri, 13 Aug 2023 09:52:56
Dear Mr Bell,
I am confused now. I thought this Davis chap was in Dublin, and that I had to contact him to arrange the transportation of my consignment to the UK. Are you now telling me that he is in the UK right at this moment?
And now you are saying that I have to meet up with him and give him the money so that he can go back to Dublin. I don’t understand. Are you telling me that I have to give him the 35,000 Euros, then he will go to Dublin and come back here with my consignment?
Please explain exactly what is going on, Mr Bell.
Best regards,
Gilbert Murray MP
PS. Janet Alia and I enjoyed a marvellous show at the theatre last night. Being inside Miss Alia’s box was extremely romantic, and when a flower-seller appeared during the interval, I lost no time at all in buying a single red rose from him and giving her one after the performance.
From: Tom Davis
To: Gilbert Murray
Subject: Re: Four things
Sent: Fri, 13 Aug 2023 10:39:52 +0100 (BST)
Dear Sir,
Please stop being rude, you are not mine employee.
Since you cannot send your number then call me immediately. And please prepare the 35,000 Euros, because I need that money to be able to move your consignment to you.
From: Gilbert Murray
To: Tom Davis; Cc: James Bell
Subject: Please read my last email again
Sent: Fri, 13 Aug 2023 10:48:52
Mr Davis,
I am in receipt of your email. If we are talking about “being rude”, it was you who started it, sir, by addressing me in an impertinent manner and accusing me of being “scared of phone bills”.
Now then. Please read my last email again, and kindly take some notice of what I said in it this time. I told you that I do not wish to use the telephone on this matter, because, as a Member of Parliament, my telephones are routinely bugged for reasons of national security. Therefore, email is a much better medium for conducting this business.
Hopefully, having made that point to you twice, it is now crystal clear.
Having got that out of the way, kindly do what I have asked you to do on more than one occasion and send me details of how you are going to get this consignment to me.
The 35,000 Euros is ready and waiting in the bank, and I will be able to hand it over to you, in cash, upon the delivery of this consignment.
Get back to me immediately with details of how we should go about this.
Gilbert Murray MP
From: James Bell
To: Gilbert Murray
Sent: Fri, 13 Aug 2023 10:49:05 +0100
Dear Brother,
This is what I told you earlier, that the security firm told me that he came on delivery in UK, that you should try and call him with the number I gave you. That is the number that the company said you can reach him on at the moment.
You have no time to waste. Call him now and give him the address of where to meet you so that you talk on this matter. Give him the money so that he can see how serious you are and as well force him to leave by today, so that he can be able to come back in time.
Please, as a matter of urgency, do not create any further delay about this, call him and tell him to meet you now for this. Do it and get back to me now.
If you must know, I am engaged in the court today, but I think this particular one needs my attention most.
Sincerely yours,
From: Gilbert Murray
To: James Bell
Subject: That is not what you told me earlier
Sent: Fri, 13 Aug 2023 11:00:14
Mr Bell,
That is most definitely not what you told me earlier. To quote precisely what you told me earlier, you said that “it will be COD, that is CASH ON DELIVERY”.
As I am sure a lawyer like yourself is fully aware, “cash on delivery” means precisely that: the beneficiary (me) gives the security company CASH, ON DELIVERY of the consignment, and not before.
Do you expect me to give this fellow 35,000 Euros before he has delivered my consignment, then let him swan off into the distance? That is not what we agreed at all.
Only a fool would agree to such a preposterous action. And I, Mr Bell, am no fool.
Cash on delivery is what we agreed to, and cash on delivery is what I expect and demand.
Gilbert Murray MP
From: James Bell
To: Gilbert Murray
Sent: Fri, 13 Aug 2023 11:44:52 +0100
Dear Murray,
Do not shout over matters that could be resolved amicably. This arrangement, COD, came up as a result the time the diplomat was in Dublin, Tom Davis.
But he is now in London and you can call him to fix the arrangement as follows.
I told you this, and I am now telling you to contact him and give him the money now that he is in London. You should be able to know much better about this.
Do not doubt anything that I am doing with you, in fact I am not happy about this. My house is used as collateral in this transaction. Do you think I could go that far for nothing? My Bar Association certificate is with you just to prove myself to you and clear all you have been accusing me of.
Please, is high time you understood the kind of person you are doing something with. I am a straightforward person and have no time for things that involve much arguments just because my partner did not trust me. Do what you are required to do, so that we can conclude this transaction. Call him immediately and reach agreement with him on when he is bringing the consignment if he collects the money today.
Sincerely yours,
NOTE that I will be happy to entertain any further delay. Act very fast about this.
From: Gilbert Murray
To: James Bell
Subject: I am all for resolving this amicably
Sent: Fri, 13 Aug 2023 12:06:25
Mr Bell,
I am all for resolving this amicably. However, the fact remains that you told me this was a cash on delivery transaction. At no time did you tell me that this agreement had been changed, and at no time did you tell me that this so-called “diplomat” was in London.
I do not doubt you, Mr Bell. I trust you. Especially so after you sent me that most attractive certificate proving that you are a lawyer. We are business partners.
Bear in mind also, Mr Bell, that I am as keen as you are for this transaction to meet a satisfactory conclusion. I need this money, badly.
I have explained to Davis why I am unwilling to use the telephone. You are aware of these reasons yourself. I have therefore asked Davis to get back to me, via email, to arrange matters. Yet so far the man has not responded to me.
If the man is too ignorant to respond to perfectly civil requests, what can I do?
Could you possibly have a word with the man and tell him to wake up and smell the coffee? Or perhaps the security company has a more reasonable employee with whom we can do business.
I expect to hear back from Davis within the hour. It is not me who is holding up this transaction, my friend.
Gilbert Murray MP
From: James Bell
To: Gilbert Murray
Sent: Fri, 13 Aug 2023 12:35:25 +0100
Dear Murray,
Give him your house address.
From: Gilbert Murray
To: Tom Davis; Cc: James Bell
Subject: Suggested arrangements for meeting up
Sent: Fri, 13 Aug 2023 14:02:25
Mr Davis,
I am baffled by your refusal to answer my emails and to answer even the simplest of questions. Perhaps they are not quite simple enough.
I see that it is up to me to resolve this situation and to make arrangements for meeting up.
My business associate, Mr Bell, has told me that you are in London today. Marvellous. In that case, I suggest that we meet this afternoon in order for me to pay your fee to you and make arrangements for my consignment to be delivered to you.
I do not want to conduct this business in my place of work, for obvious reasons. Nor do I want to conduct it at my London address; my wife is currently staying at the flat and she knows nothing about any of this. Therefore I suggest we meet elsewhere.
I am visiting a colleague in Covent Garden this afternoon. It would therefore be convenient for me to meet up with you in Covent Garden after I have concluded my other business.
I suggest that we meet outside one of my favourite cafes, the Cafe Delicious on Henrietta Street, in Covent Garden. The cafe is on the south side of the street, next to Porter’s Bar, and has a red awning.
Rather than meeting inside the cafe, where it might be difficult to spot each other, I suggest that we meet on the pavement outside the cafe, under the red awning. We can then move inside the cafe in order to carry out our business over a civilised cup of coffee. Four o’clock would suit me.
Please send me details of your appearance and what you will be wearing so that I will be able to identify you. I have attached a copy of my passport to this email to enable you to identify me. I shall be wearing a black business suit with a blue tie, and will be carrying a black leather briefcase.
Send me details of your appearance by return, and I shall see you at four o’clock. I shall be there on the dot. Do not be late.
Gilbert Murray MP
A webcam is trained on the location specified by Gilbert. If the scammer shows up, Gilbert will be able to take pictures of him.
From: James Bell
To: Gilbert Murray
Sent: Fri, 13 Aug 2023 14:10:02 +0100
Dear Murray,
All you have to understand now is how will he deliver this consignment without knowing your residence address? To who will he deliver this consignment to? Try to understand him more better.
Call him and discuss with him about this. You know how busy he used to be, so you are to beg him to assist you over this, then when the consignment comes we have nothing to do with him again. Do not ask him any question that does not have anything to do with this transaction, this what we have at hand now and it is what we must face, nothing else.
Do not make me to regret ever doing this transaction with you, just go ahead and comply with him. Check the mail I sent to you very well in which I told you that he was in London. I know all I am doing.
From: Gilbert Murray
To: James Bell
Sent: Fri, 13 Aug 2023 14:19:54
Mr Bell,
I do not want the consignment delivered to my London address; I want it delivered to my Lincolnshire address, which I have already given to you. I can make these arrangements with this Davis character when we meet.
Why the devil can Davis not answer his own bloody emails? You know full well why I will not use the telephone, and I have explained this to Davis as well.
As for me begging him to assist me, hell will freeze over before I beg any man to do anything. Stop being so damn ridiculous, Bell.
I am fast losing my patience with you, Bell, and with this Davis character. I will meet Davis this afternoon at four o’clock outside the Cafe Delicious in Covent Garden, or not at all. If the man is not there, I will pay the 35,000 Euros back into the bank and you and he can forget this entire charade.
Tell Davis to get back to me and confirm that he will be there AT ONCE, and stop sending me damn fool emails that tell me nothing.
Gilbert Murray MP
From: Gilbert Murray
To: James Bell
Sent: Fri, 13 Aug 2023 14:41:41
Mr Bell,
I am still waiting for confirmation from Davis that he will there to meet me outside the Cafe Delicious on Henrietta Street at four o’clock. I will also need details of the man’s appearance and what he will be wearing.
This is not child’s play, Mr Bell, yet Davis is acting like a spoiled baby that has thrown its toys out of the pram.
My patience is nearly at the end of its tether. I have the 35,000 Euros I require, in cash, in my briefcase. I repeat, either Davis shows up at the appointed time, or you can forget this whole business.
Gilbert Murray MP
From: Gilbert Murray
To: Tom Davis; Cc: James Bell
Subject: I will be outside the Cafe Delicious at four o’clock
Sent: Fri, 13 Aug 2023 15:23:44
Mr Davis,
I am about to leave for Covent Garden. I have some small business to carry out first, then I will be outside the Cafe Delicious on Henrietta Street at four o’clock, with the 35,000 Euros you require in order to release my consignment in my briefcase.
I look forward to seeing you there and to finalising the arrangements for the delivery of my consignment to the UK.
Gilbert Murray MP
From: Gilbert Murray
To: Tom Davis; Cc: James Bell
Sent: Fri, 13 Aug 2023 16:33:36
Mr Davis,
How dare you waste my time like that? I stood for over fifteen minutes outside the Cafe Delicious waiting for you, and you did not show up.
Why did you not tell me that you were not going to show up? Are you completely devoid of manners? What way is this to do business? I have to tell you, I felt extremely uncomfortable standing around in the street with such a large amount of cash in my briefcase. Anything could have happened. Kindly explain yourself, sir.
Now then, you have a consignment of mine in your care, and I want it. It is time for you to start acting like a businessman.
It is also time for you to start answering your own damn emails, rather than expecting Mr Bell to answer them on your behalf. I want to speak to the organ grinder, not the monkey. Although which of you is which remains to be seen.
Get back to me AT ONCE, either of you, with details of how we can bring this transaction to a successful conclusion. This has gone on for far too long.
Gilbert Murray MP
From: Tom Davis
To: Gilbert Murray
Sent: Sat, 14 Aug 2023 12:32:11 +0100 (BST)
Dear Gilbert,
I am very sorry for the delay. I was not close to the computer yesterday. Please make another appointment for us to meet today, around 4pm will be very OK.
If we can meet today, I will deliver your consignment first thing tomorrow morning.
I repeat again, I am very very sorry for yesterday.
Reply immediately please.
Best regards,
Tom Davis
From: Gilbert Murray
To: Tom Davis; Cc: James Bell
Subject: I cannot meet you today. How about Monday?
Sent: Sat, 14 Aug 2023 14:48:26
Dear Mr Davis,
Thank you for your email. I accept your apology for wasting my time yesterday afternoon. Perhaps I did not give you sufficient notice to make the appointment.
Unfortunately, I am busy all weekend, with commitments that I cannot get out of. Therefore I will be unable to meet you this afternoon.
However, would Monday lunchtime be acceptable to you? If we did meet up on Monday lunchtime, would you be able to deliver the consignment to me by Tuesday? Please advise.
I feel that we got off on the wrong foot last week, and I apologise if I may have seemed rude. I sometimes have a very short temper, which I find difficult to keep under control.
I suggest that we put what has happened this week behind us, and start afresh on Monday. With this in mind, if you would be agreeable, I would like to offer to treat you to lunch after we have concluded our business.
I suggest we meet at the same place – outside the Cafe Delicious on Henrietta Street in Covent Garden. I have some more business there on Monday morning, so this would suit me down to the ground. How does 12:30 sound to you?
Presuming that this arrangement is acceptable to you, how will I be able to recognise you on Monday? What will you be wearing?
Please confirm whether this arrangement is acceptable to you as soon as possible. If so, I look forward very much to seeing you on Monday at 12:30.
Best regards,
Gilbert Murray MP
From: Tom Davis
To: Gilbert Murray
Subject: Best Regards
Sent: Sat, 14 Aug 2023 15:19:46 +0100 (BST)
Dear Gilbert,
How are you? Monday would be a good day to meet as I will clear my schedule specially for this meeting.
Be advised that I would send you an email later in the day to describe what I would be wearing.
Best regards,
Tom Davis
From: Gilbert Murray
To: Tom Davis
Subject: I look forward to meeting you on Monday
Sent: Sun, 15 Aug 2023 17:56:25
Dear Mr Davis,
Thank you for your email. I am delighted to hear that you will be able to meet me tomorrow at 12:30.
You have a copy of my passport, so you should be able to identify me quite easily. I will be wearing a black business suit with a blue tie once again - my standard attire - and carrying a black leather briefcase containing the money.
I look forward to receiving a description of yourself and what you will be wearing by tomorrow morning to enable me to identify you. Do you have a photograph you can email to me to make things easier?
Just to clarify, I will meet you outside the Cafe Delicious on Henrietta Street in Covent Garden. I suggest whichever of us gets there first stands directly under the cafe’s red awning, to make absolutely sure that we don’t miss each other.
I look forward very much to meeting you and concluding our business tomorrow.
Best regards,
Gilbert Murray MP
From: Gilbert Murray
To: James Bell
Subject: Marvellous news
Sent: Sun, 15 Aug 2023 17:58:31
Dear Mr Bell,
Marvellous news, my friend. After Friday’s debacle, Mr Davis has got in touch with me and apologised for wasting my time. I think we both started off on the wrong foot last week, and probably both said things that we should not have said to each other.
Well, I am glad to say that Mr Davis and I have buried the hatchet, as it were, and made arrangements to meet up tomorrow lunchtime. I will hand Mr Davis his fee, and we will make arrangements to have my consignment delivered to my Lincolnshire constituency address.
I suppose we should start making plans for meeting up now - I am expecting the consignment to be delivered some time on Tuesday. When would be convenient for you, my friend?
Best regards,
Gilbert Murray MP
From: James Bell
To: Gilbert Murray
Sent: Mon, 16 Aug 2023 07:30:12 +0100
Dear Brother,
How was your weekend? Hope well spent.
I am very happy over this magnificent step you have taken. Please do not be so hostile to him. All you need from him now is for him to deliver this consignment to you. However, I will promise you that his service is very reliable and trusted.
Please to make sure that there is no mistake this time, he has to show you the copies of the document that you have to prove that the order of his service is from the security company. So make sure that they are all printed out for verifications. If all these things mentioned is with him, then go ahead to do business with him without doubt.
Do not discuss any other thing that has nothing to do with this transaction with him, so do what is right.
Anticipating for the good news.
Sincerely yours,
From: James Bell
To: Gilbert Murray
Sent: Mon, 16 Aug 2023 07:38:34 +0100
Dear Brother,
Marvellous news, I must say again. Just tell me were you want us to meet.
We have understand each other so much that I don’t think that our own meeting will in this life be a problem.
So my friend and my brother, fix a place that is most convenient, then you expect me there at the arranged time.
From: Gilbert Murray
To: Tom Davis
Subject: Please send me details of your appearance
Sent: Mon, 16 Aug 2023 10:02:42
Dear Mr Davis,
I am due to leave for Covent Garden in about thirty minutes for my morning appointment, just around the corner from Henrietta Street. Please send me details of your appearance and what you will be wearing as quickly as you can so that I will be sure of recognising you today.
I look forward to meeting you at 12:30, to concluding our business, and to treating you to a fine lunch. I am sure that being a United Nations diplomat, you must have a great many amusing anecdotes you can tell me.
Get back to me as soon as you can so that I receive details of your appearance before I leave for my morning appointment.
Best regards,
Gilbert Murray MP
From: Tom Davis
To: Gilbert Murray
Subject: Details of my appearance
Sent: Mon, 16 Aug 2023 10:57:32 +0100 (BST)
Dear Mr Gilbert,
Good day to you. I will be wearing a brown pin-striped suit and I have a bald head. I look foward to seeing you.
Here he is, five minutes early:

Click here to view more photographs of Mr Davis waiting in vain for his 35,000 Euros
From: Tom Davis
To: Gilbert Murray
Subject: Waiting at the bar
Sent: Mon, 16 Aug 2023 13:19:21 +0100 (BST)
Dear Sir Gilbert,
I have been waiting at the cafe since 12:30. Please get back to me fast please.
From: Tom Davis
To: Gilbert Murray
Subject: Re: Please send me details of your appearance
Sent: Mon, 16 Aug 2023 13:47:15 +0100 (BST)
Dear sir,
I am still waiting.
From: James Bell
To: Gilbert Murray
Subject: WHY?
Sent: Mon, 16 Aug 2023 14:11:12 +0100
Dear Brother,
What happened? Mr Tom Davis told me that he waited for over 45 minutes, but you did not show up. So what is the problem?
From: Gilbert Murray
To: Tom Davis; Cc: James Bell
Subject: Please accept my sincere apologies
Sent: Tue, 17 Aug 2023 09:55:27
Dear Mr Davis,
My dear fellow, I must apologise profusely for not being able to make our meeting yesterday. My morning appointment went well, and I left there in good time to meet up with you. However, I was so excited at the prospect of meeting you and arranging for the delivery of my consignment that I stepped out into the road without looking, and walked straight into the path of an oncoming taxi. The next thing I knew, I woke up in a hospital bed earlier this morning.
I don’t actually remember any of this, to be honest. The last thing I remember was stepping out to cross the road. One of the nurses here has filled me in with the details.
All things considered, I have been rather lucky: it could have been a lot worse. I have three cracked ribs, severe bruising and concussion, but thankfully nothing worse. Apparently I received a heavy blow to the head when I hit the road, and my short-term memory seems to have been affected: everything seems rather confusing. But the doctors assure me that this will get better.
I was also lucky in that some kind soul picked up my briefcase and gave it to one of the ambulance men. Thank God I did not lose that: anyone could have walked off with it. I don’t need to tell you how many dodgy characters there are walking the streets of London. I have checked it this morning, and thankfully all the money is still inside it.
I do hope you were not too inconvenienced yesterday, Mr Davis. Once again, please accept my most sincere apologies.
The doctors tell me that they are going to keep me in tonight, but that I should be well enough to be discharged tomorrow. Perhaps we could make arrangements to meet again and conclude our business when I leave hospital?
Please get back to me Mr Davis, and please forgive me.
Best regards,
Gilbert Murray MP
From: James Bell
To: Gilbert Murray
Sent: Tue, 17 Aug 2023 11:36:08 +0100
Dear Murray,
I was very sad of all this you were unable to meet up the arrangement that you fixed with Davis. I never knew that you were in this danger. Please do accept my sympathy and try to get well soon.
I will tell him to give you the chance to recover, but all the same, I must tell you that you have tried. Please, he has limited time to spend now in London, so all you need to do is to try and meet him as you have said. Let us pray that he will have the chance to attend to you tomorrow.
Sincerely yours,
From: Gilbert Murray
To: James Bell; Cc: Tom Davis
Subject: I should be discharged tomorrow afternoon
Sent: Tue, 17 Aug 2023 12:16:32
Dear Mr Bell,
Thank you for your email. I have spoken to Doctor Robert, and the doctor and the medics have told me that I should be discharged from hospital some time tomorrow afternoon.
Obviously, I want to conclude this transaction as quickly as possible. Do you think Mr Davis would be able to meet me tomorrow evening, possibly at around four o’clock?
I feel so terribly guilty about inconveniencing Mr Davis yesterday. I should have been more careful when crossing the road. That will teach me a lesson. I just hope that Mr Davis will forgive me.
I would be grateful if you could get in touch with Mr Davis and ask him if he is available to meet me at around four o’clock tomorrow evening.
I must go now. The nurse is about to give me a bed bath. Being in hospital isn’t all bad, you know.
I look forward to hearing from you, my friend.
Best regards,
Gilbert Murray MP
From: James Bell
To: Gilbert Murray
Subject: ALL IS WELL
Sent: Tue, 17 Aug 2023 15:43:55 +0100
Dear Brother,
I have heard all you said. I will talk to him then I will get back to you.
Once again, I am very sorry for all this, and I pray you get well soon.
So on the appointment tomorrow evening with him, should it still be the same place, or another venue?
I will get back to you, but you should still send him a mail yourself. I believe he will understand you more. Talk to him and fix back the appointment, while I will from my own side and talk to him to help us out now that he is in London.
Sincerely yours,
From: Gilbert Murray
To: James Bell
Subject: I will send Mr Davis another email
Sent: Tue, 17 Aug 2023 16:22:27
Dear Mr Bell,
Thank you for your email. I will do as you suggest and send Mr Davis another email. I have sent him a number of emails already today, and I have been somewhat surprised that he has not replied to any of them.
I will suggest to Mr Davis that we meet at six o’clock tomorrow evening at the same place: that seems like a good idea seeing as we both know how to get there.
I feel so dreadfully guilty about the trouble I caused him yesterday. If only I could turn the clock back, then my consignment would probably have been delivered this morning and we would be making arrangements to meet up and share out the money over a glass of champagne. And my head and ribs would not hurt.
Please ask Mr Davis to get back to me as soon as he can: I need to know if he will be able to meet me tomorrow as soon as possible.
I must go now, my friend. My head is throbbing terribly. I will send Mr Davis a quick email and then I will try to get some rest.
Best regards,
Gilbert Murray MP
From: Gilbert Murray
To: Tom Davis
Subject: Will you be available to collect your fee tomorrow?
Sent: Tue, 17 Aug 2023 16:26:57
Dear Mr Davis,
As I am due to be discharged from hospital tomorrow afternoon and I am keen for us to conclude our business as soon as possible, would you be available to collect your fee tomorrow evening?
If so, I would suggest that we meet at six o’clock at the same place as we arranged to meet yesterday. I will be able to hand your fee to you and we will be able to arrange the delivery of the consignment, hopefully before the end of the week.
Please let me know if this fits in with your plans.
Once again, I apologise sincerely for any disruption I may have caused you yesterday. That will teach me to use the green cross code when crossing the road.
Best regards,
Gilbert Murray MP
From: Tom Davis
To: Gilbert Murray
Subject: Re: Will you be available to collect your fee tomorrow?
Sent: Tue, 17 Aug 2023 16:41:06 +0100 (BST)
Dear Gilbert,
Thanks for your mail. I am sorry about your accident, if you really had an accident.
If you are really as keen as you claim you are, please make sure you keep to the appointment. Because as you know I have only got a limited time in London. Be advised that once I leave for Ireland it would be harder for me to return as I do not know the duties and workload I would be carrying.
Please reply to confirm the appointment.
Best wishes,
Tom Davis
From: Gilbert Murray
To: Tom Davis
Subject: I will meet you tomorrow then
Sent: Tue, 17 Aug 2023 17:32:41
Dear Mr Davis,
Thank you for your email. My associate Mr Bell has impressed upon me what a busy man you are and how precious your time is. Juggling a career in a security company and a career as a United Nations diplomat cannot be easy at the best of times. This is why I am keen for us to meet up as soon as we can to conclude our transaction.
I am pleased to hear that you will be able to meet up at six o’clock tomorrow outside the Cafe Delicious. I will be even easier to identify this time: thanks to my accident I have severe bruising and grazes to my face and I have a large bandage wrapped around my head, which I will not be able to take off for over a week.
Will you be wearing the same as yesterday: a brown pin-striped suit? Please let me know.
I realise that my unfortunate accident caused you to waste some of your time yesterday, and I would like to make it up to you. Are you a drinking man, Mr Davis? Please let me know. If so, I have some particularly fine brandy in my cellar that I have been keeping for a special occasion. I would like you to have it, as some small recompense for the inconvenience I put you through yesterday.
I must go now: the nurse is about to serve me tea. I look forward to meeting you tomorrow evening. Please let me know what you will be wearing.
I will make sure that I look both ways before I cross the road tomorrow.
Best regards,
Gilbert Murray MP
From: James Bell
To: Gilbert Murray
Sent: Wed, 18 Aug 2023 10:02:57 +0100
Dear Murray,
Good morning, How are you feeling today? Hope better. Well I pray for your quick recovery.
Have you been able to hear from Mr Davis, and what is the latest arrangement?
Sincerely yours,
From: Tom Davis
To: Gilbert Murray
Subject: Re: I will meet you tomorrow then
Sent: Wed, 18 Aug 2023 10:13:30 +0100 (BST)
Dear Gilbert,
Thanks for your mail. I will be wearing the same outfit.
See you at 6pm.
Best regards,
Tom Davis
From: Gilbert Murray
To: James Bell
Subject: I am meeting Mr Davis this evening
Sent: Wed, 18 Aug 2023 10:20:08
Dear Mr Bell,
Thank you for your email. I appreciate your concern over my health. I am pleased to report that I am feeling somewhat better today. My head and ribs are still throbbing painfully, but the painkillers are keeping the pain to a manageable level. The doctor told me this morning that he wants to carry out a number of final x-rays early this afternoon, and then I will be discharged. I really have been very lucky.
I have to say, Mr Bell, there are some damn pretty nurses in this hospital. The sight of these young fillies bending over me to take my temperature certainly helps to take my mind off the throbbing in my head. Although it does tend to cause a certain throbbing elsewhere, if you get my drift. Being in hospital certainly isn’t all bad.
I contacted Mr Davis yesterday, and we have arranged to meet at six o’clock this evening, in the same place as we arranged to meet the other day. I think I shall take a taxi there this time, rather than walk. I would much rather be inside a taxi than underneath one.
I must go: I am expecting some visitors today. Janet Alia is coming to see me with Ivan Tashag this morning, and Major General Tufty Bufton said he would pop by in the afternoon. It will be good to see them all.
I will contact you this evening as soon as I have given Mr Davis his fee, then we can arrange to meet up ourselves.
Best regards,
Gilbert Murray MP
From: Gilbert Murray
To: Tom Davis
Subject: Shall I bring along the brandy I mentioned?
Sent: Wed, 18 Aug 2023 10:28:53
Dear Mr Davis,
Thank you for your email. I shall take a taxi to the Cafe Delicious this evening, rather than walk. After what happened the other day, I think that will be safer.
You did not tell me whether you were a drinking man. Do you enjoy the odd tipple? Do let me know. If so, I will bring along the bottle of brandy I mentioned for you.
Best regards,
Gilbert Murray MP
From: James Bell
To: Gilbert Murray
Sent: Wed, 18 Aug 2023 12:39:14 +0100
Dear Brother,
Please do all you could to see that we round up this transaction very soon.
As soon as you conclude with Tom Davis this evening, do let me know.
Tell him to make the consignment available by tomorrow latest.
Good luck,
From: Tom Davis
To: Gilbert Murray
Subject: Re: Shall I bring along the brandy I mentioned?
Sent: Wed, 18 Aug 2023 13:19:47 +0100 (BST)
Dear Gilbert,
Hope to see you at 6pm. About the brandy, keep it. I will get it when I am delivering the consignment to you tomorrow.
Here he is again:

Click here to view more photographs of Mr Davis waiting in vain for the second time
From: Tom Davis
To: Gilbert Murray
Subject: Re: Shall I bring along the brandy I mentioned?
Sent: Wed, 18 Aug 2023 18:28:52 +0100 (BST)
Dear Gilbert,
Thanks for taking me as your joke.
I will never come to any appointment you make again.
From: Gilbert Murray
To: James Bell
Subject: Shocking news!
Sent: Wed, 18 Aug 2023 20:04:21
Dear Mr Bell,
You have probably already heard that I did not meet up with Mr Davis as I had arranged to. You are also probably wondering why I did not show up for the meeting. Well, Mr Bell, I promise you that you will be absolutely astonished when I tell you the reason why.
As I told you earlier, Major General Tufty Bufton, the head of the SIS Internet Fraud Division, called in to see me in the hospital earlier today. We were chatting away, and I happened to mention to him that I was meeting Mr Davis this evening in order to arrange the delivery of a valuable consignment. Major General Bufton was immediately interested, and probed me for some more details on Davis, which I gave to him.
I can still barely believe what Bufton told me after that. He told me that I was very lucky to have been run over by a taxi on Monday, and that on no account should I go through with my planned meeting today, because MR DAVIS IS AN ADVANCE FEE FRAUDSTER!
I didn’t believe it at first. I told Bufton that that there must be some mistake, that this man was a respected United Nations diplomat and security company official. But Bufton insisted that “Mr Davis” (not his real name, apparently) was none of these things, and was instead an advance fee fraudster.
Major General Bufton told me that quite by coincidence, the Internet Fraud Division of the SIS have been investigating “Mr Davis” in relation to other cases of advance fee fraud. Apparently, a team of SIS agents have had “Mr Davis” under round-the-clock surveillance for over a week now. Bufton told me that they have managed to build up a complete record of his movements: they know where he lives and they know everywhere he goes. They have been shadowing his every movement.
They have also apparently managed to identify a number of the man’s accomplices by tapping his mobile telephone. Bufton told me that they are planning to make a number of arrests imminently: certainly within the next day or so.
Furthermore, Major General Bufton was able to prove all of this to me. He started up his laptop and showed me some of the surveillance pictures his team have taken of “Mr Davis” over the past week. They have followed him absolutely everywhere he has been. I have attached one of these pictures to this email. It actually shows “Mr Davis” waiting to meet me on Monday! Little did he know that he was being followed every step by a team of undercover SIS agents!
Thank God I was run over by that taxi on Monday. If I had not have been, I would now be 35,000 Euros the poorer, with nothing to show for it.
Don’t worry, Mr Bell. Major General Bufton assured me that the SIS will get their man. Apparently he has put all ports and airports on “red alert” status, so if “Mr Davis” attempts to leave the country he will be picked up immediately. But it is most likely that they will simply break down his door and arrest him in the middle of the night. Bufton assured me that there was no way the man would escape arrest.
What on earth is going on, Mr Bell? First of all “Mr Moore” in Holland turns out to be an advance fee fraudster, and now we find out that “Mr Davis” is a crook as well. Is this so-called “security company” entirely staffed by criminals? Do they not employ any honest people?
I trust you are as shocked as I was by this news, Mr Bell. However, look on the bright side: I didn’t lose my money.
What on earth do you make of this news, my friend? I am starting to feel as if I am surrounded on all sides by criminals. Where do we go from here? I thank my lucky stars that at least I can be certain that you are not a crook.
Best regards,
Gilbert Murray MP
 (Click to enlarge)
From: Gilbert Murray
To: Tom Davis
Subject: This is no joke
Sent: Wed, 18 Aug 2023 20:08:41
“Mr Davis”,
I can assure you sir that this is no joke.
I thank my lucky stars that I found out today about your true intentions. If you are a United Nations diplomat, then I am a Dutchman.
Thanks to my contacts in the SIS Internet Fraud Division, I now know you to be nothing more than a contemptible advance fee fraudster. That is why I did not show up for our meeting this evening.
You should be ashamed of yourself, “Mr Davis” (although I now know that is not your real name). Have you ever considered going out and getting a proper job?
It is a shame you have not considered this, because I can tell you now, your criminal past is about to catch up with you and smack you hard in the face.
You should not have messed with a British MP. That was not at all wise.
Wait for that knock on the door in the middle of the night, “Mr Davis”. It will come sooner than you think.
Gilbert Van Murray MP
From: Tom Davis
To: Gilbert Murray
Subject: Re: This is no joke
Sent: Wed, 18 Aug 2023 21:07:01 +0100 (BST)
Your entire family is the fraudster, and I bet you, you will never have your position as an MP after this year.
Big bitch Murray.
From: Gilbert Murray
To: Tom Davis
Subject: I look forward to hearing news of your arrest
Sent: Wed, 18 Aug 2023 22:25:47
“Mr Davis”,
I look forward to hearing news of your arrest.
Tell me, how do you sleep at night, with the knowledge that you are nothing but a worthless piece of scum who makes a dishonest living from exploiting the weakness of others?
Incidentally, I was shown surveillance footage of you today by my contact in the SIS. To be perfectly frank, I would advise you to get a more fashionable suit. The suit you have been wearing looks like it came from the bargain bin of a charity shop.
However, a more fashionable suit won’t be much use to you in prison, so you probably shouldn’t worry about that too much.
Gilbert Murray MP
From: Tom Davis
To: Gilbert Murray
Subject: Re: I look forward to hearing news of your arrest
Sent: Wed, 18 Aug 2023 22:01:44 +0100 (BST)
Dear Gilbert,
You are a hypocrite who wants to take advantage of Africans who you think are stupid and vulnerable.
Be advised that your details will be sent to the police and the PM as you are a disgrace to your position in particular and to the British public in general.
It is obvious that the slavery your forefathers subjected my people to runs in your veins. You will be exposed to the British tabloids and your political career will be in tatters.
Tom Davis
NB: Just as you have got CCTV footage of me, I have got a copy of your passport to prove that we are business partners.
From: Gilbert Murray
To: Tom Davis
Subject: Stop trying to justify your criminality
Sent: Wed, 18 Aug 2023 23:29:47
“Mr Davis”,
It is extremely sad to see that you are trying to justify your criminality by accusing me of racism. I do not think Africans are “stupid and vulnerable”, as you claim. I do not make generalisations like that.
Nor do I think that you yourself, personally, are vulnerable. However, I do think that you are stupid. But that has nothing to do with your race, your ethnicity, your nationality, or anything like that. I am talking about you personally. Why do I think you are stupid? Because you have shown yourself to be so.
You talk about me being “a disgrace” to my position. I am not the criminal here. You are. I have no doubt that your mother would weep if she knew the depths to which you have sunk. You are the disgrace, “Mr Davis”, not me.
But thankfully it is not me that is about to be arrested by the authorities. It is you.
I only hope that the years you are about to spend in prison will give you the chance to re-evaluate your life and recognise where you went wrong.
Gilbert Murray MP
From: Gilbert Murray
To: James Bell
Subject: Where do we go from here?
Sent: Fri, 20 Aug 2023 10:04:42
Dear Mr Bell,
I am concerned that I have not heard from you since I discovered the awful truth about “Mr Davis”. Is everything OK, my friend?
You were probably as shocked as I was by the revelation that this “Davis” character was a fraudster. I cannot believe how close I came to handing over my money to a criminal.
Where do we go from here, my friend? Is there some other way we could get our hands on that consignment? I still need the money, and badly: I have managed to placate the journalist who is blackmailing me up to now, but he is losing patience with me. If I cannot pay him within the next week or so, he will go to the press and ruin my reputation.
Regarding safeguarding my reputation, “Mr Davis” threatened to send my details to the police, the press and the Prime Minister on Wednesday and ruin my political career. Obviously, I cannot let that happen. Therefore, I had a word with Tufty Bufton last night and asked him if he could get his men to shoot “Mr Davis” rather than arrest him.
Bufton and I go back a long way and the man owes me a favour or two, so luckily he assured me that this would not be a problem. He said he had just the man for the job. They will probably plant a gun on “Davis’s” body once they have gunned him down, and justify the killing by saying that he was resisting arrest. Apparently that’s what the SIS usually do in situations like this.
With “Davis” threatening to go to the press, I told Bufton that there was no time to waste. He assured me that “Davis” would be dealt with, in a very permanent way, in the next day or so. No doubt you will be as relieved as me to have this odious criminal out of the way.
Well, Mr Bell, please get back to me with your thoughts on how we can proceed. There must be some way we can get our hands on that consignment.
Best regards,
Gilbert Murray MP
From: James Bell
To: Gilbert Murray
Sent: Fri, 20 Aug 2023 04:30:52 -0700
Dear Murray,
This is the most shocking news I have never wanted to hear in my life, but well I have contacted the security company about this, so let us wait to hear if there is any other means to bring this consignment.
I will get back to you after I hear from them, do bear with me.
From: Gilbert Murray
To: James Bell
Subject: I look forward to hearing from you
Sent: Fri, 20 Aug 2023 14:27:46
Dear Mr Bell,
Thank you for your email. My head is still reeling from the shock of finding out the truth about this “Davis” character. It’s terrible, isn’t it, my friend? It seems that you just can’t trust anyone nowadays.
Never mind. At least I know that I can trust you. I feel that I have come to know you over the past few weeks, and I truly believe you to be as honest a man as I am myself.
What on earth was this security company playing at, employing not one, but two known fraudsters? It’s unbelievable, it really is.
At least thanks to my contacts at the SIS, “Mr Moore” and “Mr Davis” will soon be taken out of action for good. They won’t be bothering anyone ever again. I should imagine it’s frightfully difficult to defraud people when you’re six feet under in a sealed wooden casket. Such are the ultimate rewards of crime.
Given your profession, you must have come across quite a few criminals in your time, my friend. Mind you, it’s not a barrister these fraudsters will be needing in the near future; it’s an undertaker.
Get back to me as soon as you can with details of where we can go from here, my friend. I look forward to hearing from you.
Wishing you a pleasant weekend.
Best regards,
Gilbert Murray MP
From: Gilbert Murray
To: James Bell
Subject: Have you managed to come up with anything?
Sent: Sun, 22 Aug 2023 08:31:54
Dear Mr Bell,
I trust that you are having a pleasant weekend and that you are slowly recovering from the shock of finding out that “Mr Davis” was nothing but a common criminal who was out to steal our money.
You told me that you were going to investigate alternative ways of getting the consignment to me. Have you managed to come up with anything?
Do get back to me and let me know, my friend. This is getting urgent now.
Best regards,
Gilbert Murray MP
From: Gilbert Murray
To: James Bell
Subject: Disturbing news
Sent: Mon, 23 Aug 2023 16:01:37
Dear Mr Bell,
I have just heard the most disturbing news. I was having lunch with Welsby, my lawyer, discussing whether or not he thought I would have grounds for suing the taxi that ran me over last week. Welsby thinks that I may have a case if I were to sue for wilful negligence, given that the taxi was painted black and was therefore difficult to see on such a dull day.
Anyway, I was telling Welsby about the ups and downs I have been having with you over this transaction over the course of the past two months. Welsby was extremely interested to hear about everything that had gone on, and his ears pricked up when he heard that you were a lawyer yourself.
I started up my laptop and showed Welsby some of the emails you had sent me. He commented that your poor spelling, punctuation and grammar would be completely unacceptable for a lawyer practising in this country, and asked me if I had seen any proof of your profession. So I showed Welsby the certificate you sent me.
Welsby examined the certificate for a couple of seconds, then handed it back to me with a serious look on his face. He then declared it to be a fake!
I argued that I was sure that it was not a fake, that I had come to trust you and think of you as a friend over the past two months, but Welsby insisted. He told me that he had wiped his backside with more convincing legal documents than your certificate.
Welsby then went on to tell me that in his opinion, it was highly likely that you were in league with the notorious advance fee fraudsters, “Mr Moore” and “Mr Davis”, and that you were part of their criminal scheme to relieve me of thousands of pounds.
What have you to say for yourself, Mr Bell? Surely Welsby cannot be right? Surely this cannot be true? Surely you would not stoop so low?
Please get back to me and prove to me that you are not a fake, Mr Bell. I am afraid that if I do not hear back from you by tomorrow, I will have to assume that your silence implies your guilt. In that case, I would have no option but to contact Major General Tufty Bufton and add your name to the list of undesirables that his team is due to eliminate in the next few days.
The ball is in your court, Mr Bell. I await your response with interest.
Gilbert Murray MP
From: Gilbert Murray
To: James Bell
Subject: Your silence has sealed your fate
Sent: Tue, 24 Aug 2023 11:32:20
Dear “Mr Bell”,
I was disappointed that you did not see fit to respond to my recent emails. After what Welsby told me about you last night, I have to tell you that I passed your details onto Tufty Bufton this morning and asked him to run them through the computer.
So, “Mr Bell”, now I know the truth about you. It turns out that, like “Mr Moore” and “Mr Davis”, you are well-known to Bufton and the Internet Fraud Division of the SIS. Major General Bufton has confirmed to me what Welsby said: that you too are an advance fee fraudster.
Shame on you, “Mr Bell” (which I now know is not your real name). I thought of you as a friend. And now it turns out that you are nothing more than a despicable criminal who was out to defraud me of my money.
What a good job that you, “Moore” and “Davis” turned out to be too stupid to bring your plans to fruition. By dint of my superior intellect, allied with a surprising degree of good fortune, I have managed to stay one step ahead of you over the past two months and foil your every move. I hope you are ashamed of yourself, “Mr Bell”.
Unfortunately for you, “Mr Bell”, you know too much of my personal affairs to be allowed to live. Therefore, I have to tell you that your name has now been added to the list of criminals that are about to be liquidated by Bufton’s crack team of SIS agents. I cannot risk the press getting hold of any sensitive information about me from you, so I have given Bufton the go-ahead to move against you immediately.
You have nobody but yourself to blame for the way this has turned out, “Mr Bell”. However, look on the bright side: Bufton’s men are very highly-trained, so you probably won’t feel a thing. You won’t even see them coming.
And, once again looking on the bright side, the world will be rid of yet another advance fee fraudster. Which is good news all round.
Goodbye, “Mr Bell”.
Gilbert Murray MP
From: James Bell
To: Gilbert Murray
Subject: Thanks and God bless
Sent: Tue, 24 Aug 2023 15:29:54 +0100
Attn: Gilbert Murray,
Thanks for your email and all your words are noted.
I have forwarded your informations too to the press with your international passport to prove it.
Thanks and God bless.
Barrister James L Bell
From: James Bell
To: Gilbert Murray
Subject: You will face the law
Sent: Tue, 24 Aug 2023 15:56:25 +0100
Attn: Gilbert Murray,
I warned you before we started this business that you should not let anybody know about it, that you know that you are not the next of kin to my client, but you do not listen.
Now you will face the law.
From: Gilbert Murray
To: James Bell
Subject: What have you told the press?
Sent: Tue, 24 Aug 2023 15:57:59
“Mr Bell”,
I don’t believe you, “Mr Bell”. What have you told the press? Which newspapers have you contacted? Precisely what information have you passed onto them?
Is it not bad enough that you have attempted to defraud a respected Member of Her Majesty’s Parliament? To what do I owe this final act of betrayal?
Well, I suppose I have added you to a “Priority One” SIS death list and ensured your imminent assassination... but leaving that aside, what can I possibly have done to warrant this?
I trust that at least you have had the common decency to leave Janet Alia out of this. The last thing I want is for pictures of my Janet Alia to be splashed all over the tabloid press.
You are a scoundrel, “Bell”, a common thief, and a rogue. Thank God you turned out not to have enough intelligence to complete your wicked scheme.
Gilbert Murray MP
From: James Bell
To: Gilbert Murray
Subject: Re: What have you told the press?
Sent: Tue, 24 Aug 2023 16:04:30 +0100
Mr Murray,
I will forward your international passport as the proof, then I will tell the press all I know about you and your woman.
I will forward to the FBI all your informations that you are not a good citizen of our country and that you are among the most wanted.
From: Gilbert Murray
To: James Bell
Subject: Ah, I need not worry then
Sent: Tue, 24 Aug 2023 16:17:25
“Mr Bell”,
So, you have not actually told the press anything yet. That is marvellous news. I will get straight onto Major General Bufton and arrange for him to move you right to the top of his death list. With any luck, his men will have gunned you down before you have had time to go to the press.
Even if you do get chance to get in touch with the press before you meet your maker, what on earth makes you think that they would believe the word of a common low-life criminal like yourself? They will laugh at you, “Mr Bell”. You mark my words.
By the way, the FBI is actually American, not British, so I cannot think why you imagine they would be interested in information about me. This is yet another example of your lack of intelligence.
And as for me being “among the most wanted”, what absolute tosh. You are the criminal, not me.
You should never have messed with a British MP, “Mr Bell”. At least you will not live long to regret it.
Gilbert Murray MP
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